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Production Quality Machinery
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Through the many generations of business practices handed down at Wagler Manufacturing, we have engineered & developed production quality equipment for processing wood, plastic & metal products!
There are many worth taking a look at, from table routers with power lifts & no bend over bit chages, to CNC Router Vacuum hold down truly unique in the vacuum source used to the tiny parts you can hold & machine. We have even taken vacuum into sanding and table router procedures even laminating. Thats right 1 Vacuum source in your shop can be so versatile, let us show you how!
Manual Control Valve
Electric Control Valve
Deck Surface
Poly Pattern Board 1/2" Thick
$ 334.00 ea.
Vacuum Table With 2" Welded Steel Frame & 1/4" Plate Steel Decking Sub Structure
4'x4' Table w / Manual Control
4 zones 2'x2' $4,478.92
4'x8' Table w / Manual Control
8 zones 2'x2' $7,629.62
5'x8' Table w / Manual Control
10 zones 1'x4' $9,256.65
5'x10' Table w / Manual Control
10 zones 2.5'x2' $9,962.65
Electric Control Valve Up Charge
wired 110v $1,285.68
We use strong Baldor Motors & Extreme Srevice Pumps. Choice of 1.5HP Single Phase 220V, or 3HP Three Phase 208V .
All come mounted on a 60 Gallon Vertical Vac Tank!
Feature a Digital Control Switch & Mag Starter!
Also feature easy to clean & view Filters!

Compare to you standard CNC vac table using a Regenerative Blower to create vacuum, they are lucky to get 12" hg vacuum. To top off the already low vacuum its pulled through a MDF spoilboard to make the vacuum draw even, fruther reducing the vacuum hold to your part!

We generate on average 25" hg of Vacuum almost double!
We would not dare pull through MDF to reduce your Vacuum, we get it straight to your product being machined using pattern boards. This allows us to machine small parts as well, how about 1"x3".
Let us show you how!!

At 25" hg we average 11# per sguare inch of holding force!
On a 10"x10" board that is 100 sq. in. = 1100# of holding force!
Vacuum Tank with 1.5 HP 220v Pump
Vacuum Tank with 3 HP 208v Pump
Freight in USA for Table & Tank
$ 690.00 ea.
More Production Quality Machinery Avaliable Please Call For Information
1-319-256-9663 (WOOD)
Ask your CNC machine company, they may be a dealer of Wagler Tables that can provide a package including table, tank, tech support & set up along with their machine!
Tired of parts coming off the table? We never enjoyed watching our CNC sit there unused!
Sound familiar?
Maybe it is time you try the Wagler Holding System!
Your CNC is only worth its holding capability!!!!
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